Thursday, June 30, 2011

Mein kleiner Garten Freunden

While I'm still battling groundhogs, there is some goodness in the garden. Forget the foes for a moment and lets celebrate the garden friends!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Pea Harvest

Its time for the pea harvest!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

On pests and practicing science

Right now a very serious DAILY threat to Mega Garden is Marmota monax or the groundhog, woodchuck, ground chunk... whatever you want to call it. I've been patrolling first thing in the morning before work and first thing when I get home... studying the ground... searching for signs of activity around the fence... and IN the garden (though thankfully no more damage since the weekend). Young Marmota monax are out there in force. Waiting to find that weak place in your garden fence so it can eat all your precious plants.

It seems like gardening is one of those few commonly practiced human activities that deals with direct relationships with nature. Complete cycles of life... and death.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sons of the Fourth of July Strike!

Who ate the cabbage?

I'll show you what, but please be warned the following images may not be pleasant to some. So proceed as you will. This will hopefully be informative for fellow gardeners everywhere who deal with similar pest problems.

Good Morning Oregano

The past couple days I've been a bit stressed out by the whole animal pest situation in my garden. As a result I've been leaving the garden a little earlier in the evening than is normal (which normal is when its so dark I can't see anymore). This has lead me to be early to bed and early to rise for the past two days. Today it dawned on me- harvest some oregano!

Who ate the cabbage?

Two days ago, as I stooped in my garden weeding and transplanting seedlings, I thought to myself, 'I should take some pictures for the blog.' In general, the garden has been growing wonderfully- the weather seems to be just a perfect blend of warmth and sun with rain showers peppered in every so many days. Predation from insects and slugs have been at a minimum. One crop I've been particularly proud of has been my red cabbage... sooo beautiful and pest free... or so it was.