Monday, June 5, 2017

Beginning the Beekeeping Journey

Beekeeping is something that has been tickling my mind for awhile... just like keeping chickens. Perhaps it's been the joy of keeping chickens; perhaps it's the problems we've had (personally and in our area in general) with pollination; or perhaps it's the fact that bees are in so much danger.

Beekeeping- just seems like the right thing to do.

A disclaimer: Since I am a beginner, I may use the wrong terms at times in this and future posts. This is my attempt share my experience from the beginning on my journey of learning. I am by no means an expert, but I will attempt to share all the tidbits of information I collect along the way.

This winter I decided that I would dedicate 2017 to learning about beekeeping. Chickens were easy. It was an easy thing to pick up and learn along the way (still learning, actually). Bees... well, let's just say that chickens aren't an endangered species, I want to know what the heck I'm doing before making the complete dive into the hive. I want to do right by them.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Mind your Morels

I used to not know anything about mushrooms, and I mostly still don't. However, I do know a morel when I see one and somehow I kept finding them in my own backyard this spring!

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Adopting Cindy Lou

Yesterday I adopted a chickie in need. Meet Cindy Lou.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

A visit from Michael Pollan

This evening I was honored to occupy the same space as the esteemed author Michael Pollan, as he presented at Kennedy Hall at Cornell University. Having read three of his several books, I'm a bit of a fan. This was a huge treat.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Indoor Seed Starting Set Up

It's that time of the year to start some seeds indoors (at least in my neck of the woods). Over the years my indoor seed starting set up has slowly evolved... and hopefully, improved. Here I would like to share my current set up.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Raising Chicks: Starting my first flock

I caught the fever. I now have chickens (for almost a year now). Though I am a bit behind in writing about this, believe me- it was an incredibly busy year last year... between my new endeavor and battling out a summer long drought in the garden. So where to begin...