Friday, September 16, 2016

How to Save Tomato Seeds

Give a friend a tomato and feed them for a salad, but teach them how to save seeds and you feed them for a lifetime.

After talking with a friend who runs their own CSA (Community Supported Agriculture), and realizing that they were not saving their own seeds, I was inspired to write this post. I've been saving my tomato seeds for so many years that I don't even really know when I began. It's fun, actually pretty easy, and is super fulfilling when you sprout new plants from them next spring... and the year after that... and the year after... etc. You gain the power to turn one plant into a thousand plants if you so desired. However, there is a process you must follow- you aren't just scooping out seeds and letting them dry. You actually have to turn it into a wet fermenting science project first, as you will see why.

I hope this information is helpful to you all.